My feedback
6 results found
7 votesgathering community support · (Engineering Team, responded
Shaun supported this idea ·
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79 votesgathering community support · (Engineering Team, responded
Shaun shared this idea ·
19 votesgathering community support · (Engineering Team, responded
An error occurred while saving the comment Shaun commented
Feature #52 Allow officials to swap assignments with each other states:
"This feature will allow officials to trade assignments amongst each other WITHOUT intervention from a assignor. They will be able to freely trade games that they do not wish to work."
Would it be possible to modify this setting, or allow a setting that REQUIRES intervention from the assignor? This will allow game trades to be tracked as well as to ensure the proper officials are skating the proper games.
Shaun supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Shaun commented
Further to this, an option to have the assignor approve the switch would be key to ensuring that games are filled properly by the appropriate officials.
5 votesgathering community support · (Engineering Team, responded
Shaun shared this idea ·
19 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Shaun commented
This would be very important if it's possible to have it done. As it stands, we track ATTENDING, NOT ATTENDING, and NO RESPONSE but I have to manually input who is NOT ATTENDING. This means going through 122 Officials and figuring out who has advised that they're not attending. If possible, I would like to have the reason they're not attending attached to the list in order to force them to reply.
10 votes
Shaun supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Shaun commented
I would like to see a feature where an official can be added to a certain game, but it is based on the rank of another official involved in the game. For example, in a Minor Midget AAA game, one referee Must Certified at Level 3 (301) and the other referee can be Registered at Level 3 (300). I would like to see a condition, since manual rankings are used, where a Level 300 can be the referee IF the other referee is a Level 301.
I would like to see a feature that dictates whether TBA are allowed or not allowed when mass uploading games from a spreadsheet. This would save time rather than having to go through each game one by one to say whether or not TBA's are allowed.