Select Email Notifications
It would be nice for officials to be able to select when they receive notifications and what they are receiving them for. Games added and Game day reminders should be default, but I would suggest that other emails, such as the three days out reminder, game changes that don't require immediate attention, etc could be options chosen by the user.
Also, like in the text messaging, I would like to see an option allowing the user to decide what time of day the assignments come in.

Jodi Schaaf commented
As an assigner, I absolutely need the ability to turn off some of the email notifications I am getting. I would like to be able to select the options that my umpires can also turn off. I don't want them missing critical communication from me, but they don't always need everything.
Owen Murdoch commented
TBA Requests flood my emails and I would like to be able to filter them out.
AJ Lind commented
Be able to choose which type of notifications you get. Some officials are in this system because they travel to dallas for tournaments only, they do not live there. Therefore we do not need all notifications all the time.
Mike Campbell commented
Have the ability to turn off email notifications for things such as:
- Coach requests to change team affiliation
- Official(s) changed on GameI know there are some assignors/officials who need these notifications, however, I do not care what coach is for what team or what official I am on with (as long as there are officials there).
Thank you.
Stephen Thomson commented
Having the ability to disable notification for certain groups. Although I know it is important to have to officials get notified, we also use the assigning program to schedule development coaches and league staff. This is mainly for my use as an administrator to count supervisions and times a team has been seen by someone in the league, not to "schedule" them to go to a certain place.
Matthew Tyler commented
I generally don't need e-mail reminders of events. I especially don't need them at 4am 3 days before an event. I remain attentive to my e-mail so that I can respond to scheduling requests and changes. I don't need to be woken up to be told something I already know.
Chris Arsenault commented
Many officials complain of the number of notification emails they receive and turn off email notifications all together...they are then unable to receive communications from the assignors.
Irakli Shankulashvili commented
I get emails notifications from horizon for everything and usually that averages in 20 emails a week, could you guys make the option to maybe pick which notifications come to email? or the option to turn it off
Anonymous commented
Add a feature to the use profile so you can choose when you are reminded. Right now I get too many reminders. I keep track of my game schedule on my phone and do not need extra reminders. I would like the ability to turn it off if I wish.
Dan commented
As an allocator I get a huge number of text messages from the system. It would be nice to be able to set preferences for what events cause texts to be sent (Example, if I DO want texts when someone submits a turnback request, but DONT want them for assignment reminders, allow me to turn that specific feature off without disabling ALL texts)
Joe Goldsmith commented
Create an new feature choice, so an organization can choose a) to have the number and frequency of email game reminders you currently provide, or b) a greatly reduced set of email reminders. If an org chooses option b, only send reminders for new game, changed game, canceled game, and if game not accepted yet, remind them every 3 days [instead of every day].
Ron Sorrell commented
allow system wide changes to notifications.
1) Allow notifications to be turned off/on by system events
2) Configure one notification to include all games in the same day