Feature Suggestions
This forum is where you can submit ideas you may have for future improvements to our software systems. All ideas submitted are received and read thoroughly and repeatedly. We do not provide individual responses or detailed status updates on feature suggestions, but all your ideas are valued and considered. Some ideas take just a few days, some will take years, and some may not happen, but they all start by submitting them here. Any ideas you have are welcome!
36 results found
1 vote
Indicates officials assigned to a game in the Live Public Schedule.
Our Sporting body has embedded the Live public schedule into their web page. Unfortunately, the schedule doesn't tell you if an official has been assigned to a game. Understanding that privacy rules prevent the publication of names in the schedule, could there be a Symbol or an asterisk with the number of officials assigned to a game. Clubs will then know if they have to get volunteers to officiate.
1 vote -
Filter by day of the week
I have officials who work on specific days of the week, so I'd love to be able to filter the schedule to view only one day of the week (all Wednesday games) etc.
1 votegathering community support ·AdminHorizonWebRef.com (Engineering Team, HorizonWebRef.com) responded
Hides the Preferences > System Time Zone display so local users only view/receive times in their respective time zone.
This will ensure users in different time zones are not confused by any reference to a time zone outside of their own (e.g. system changes, email notifications, etc.).
Alternatively, give us the ability to add time zones to our schedules. It is vital that all users interact with the platform in their local time zone.
Thank you!
3 votes -
Ability to search for referees by first or last name
Many times we now other referees only by their first name. Currently, if we need to contact someone who's last name we do not know, we have to manually look through every name.
1 vote -
home address and mailing address in profile
i just had to update my profile and it says it can't find my home zip code or some such message. I get this message every time I update. My situation is the Post Office does not deliver mail to my house so I have to have a PO Box which is in a different zip code used only for PO Boxes not houses. I used to put my home address in but then people mailed checks to that address and it caused issues because the PO returned the mail as undeliverable. You should have a home address and a…
1 vote -
Allow members to change their RSVP for a meeting.
It would be be good if members can "turn back" or change their RSVP for meetings to allowing catering and to adhere to Covid 19 protocols.
4 votesgathering community support ·AdminHorizonWebRef.com (Engineering Team, HorizonWebRef.com) responded
9 votes
TBA Request and Availability Calendar
It would be nice to be able to overlay TBA requests into the Availability calendar. This would allow officials/referees to select games based on availability without having to go back and forth, search, reset, etc. Much more intuitive
1 vote -
Shows # of umpires on External public view (website integration) once published
The setup Allowing to show # of umpires in the system does not appear to translate to the external schedule integration.
6 votesgathering community support ·AdminHorizonWebRef.com (Engineering Team, HorizonWebRef.com) responded
A separate Injury Report or at least a category should be added to the incident report.
Using the current incident report, which is clearly intended for infractions/ejections, is a bit awkward. Unless there was a deliberate act by another player, there is no offending player and no rules infraction.
The incident report is an easy and convenient way for Officials to document game incidents promptly following the game when memories are fresh.5 votesgathering community support ·AdminHorizonWebRef.com (Engineering Team, HorizonWebRef.com) responded
Document upload by officials
Allow officials to upload documents such as certain certificates for the specific sport, etc
2 votesgathering community support ·AdminHorizonWebRef.com (Engineering Team, HorizonWebRef.com) responded
Covid screening questionaire to be filled out every time an official receives a game assignment.
I would like to get a Covid screening questionnaire built and added to game reminders and have each official fill it out each day he or she is assigned a game. Since most assignors can't be at the rink to screen the officials I think it's important at the minimum we do some due diligence regarding their health and travel.
7 votesgathering community support ·AdminHorizonWebRef.com (Engineering Team, HorizonWebRef.com) responded
Prevent certain people gaining contact information
As an assignor allowing Clients / observers to have access into my association. I would appreciate a feature that allows owner / admin of association the right to block certain Clients or others privilege in gaining access to all other Contractors information.
Think this is an important feature that must be added for protection of private information of contractors who do not wish to share their information to others.
10 votesgathering community support ·AdminHorizonWebRef.com (Engineering Team, HorizonWebRef.com) responded
Include official email address in Payroll reports
To be able to use with online payment processors like PayPal or Checkbook.io.
1 votegathering community support ·AdminHorizonWebRef.com (Engineering Team, HorizonWebRef.com) responded
Lets you delete your account
I am looking for a way to delete my account. I no longer officiate and would like to stop getting updates and reminders.
1 votegathering community support ·AdminHorizonWebRef.com (Engineering Team, HorizonWebRef.com) responded
Games in the future that are canceled by the Owner/assignor should be allowed to be deleted or at least blocked on the officials screen.
Games in the future that are canceled by the Owner/assignor should be allowed to be deleted or at least blocked on the officials screen.
They should be deleted only on the viewing status. There is not need for them to be deleted from the database.
Leaving canceled games up for the officials to view is confusing.2 votes -
Set up a poll function so we can get feedback from the coaches and officials on how well the system worked.
Set up a poll with 3 or 4 questions on how the system worked.
1) Rate the system performance from 1 to 5- (5 being the highest rating)
2) What was the biggest challenge you had with the system this year?
3) What would you like to see to improve or is is good the way it is?1 votegathering community support ·AdminHorizonWebRef.com (Engineering Team, HorizonWebRef.com) responded
Officials Pay For Their Own User License
Allow officials to pay for their user license through Horizon Web Ref.
Allow admin to set their own user license fee.
5 votesgathering community support ·AdminHorizonWebRef.com (Engineering Team, HorizonWebRef.com) responded
Email games for week
During initial transition to horizon ref we need to be able to generate a report of the games for the week that we can email to anyone we want. For example we have someone on the team for scheduling the refs who isn't computer literate. We want to be able to email him the schedule weekly. Also to everyone during transition
1 votegathering community support ·AdminHorizonWebRef.com (Engineering Team, HorizonWebRef.com) responded
- Don't see your idea?