Feature Suggestions
This forum is where you can submit ideas you may have for future improvements to our software systems. All ideas submitted are received and read thoroughly and repeatedly. We do not provide individual responses or detailed status updates on feature suggestions, but all your ideas are valued and considered. Some ideas take just a few days, some will take years, and some may not happen, but they all start by submitting them here. Any ideas you have are welcome!
44 results found
blocks off availability to all division ( not just the team) when the referee is playing their game
Have a way in the BLOCK system to make the official unavailable for all games when their team is playing. It is too hard to mark their availability when the game times may change and then they forget to change it.... I deal with a lot of minor refs and it is hard enough to get them to just mark their availability.
3 votes -
TBA Requests Readability
The TBA requests page is largely just text, and sometimes it can be a little disorienting when trying to figure out where days start and stop. Some sort of alternating color separation for days (or boundaries between days) would be very helpful.
1 vote -
3 votes
Meeting Assignment Interface
Need the UI updated for meeting invites. Does not work well when the meetings are virtual. Should have the option to input a "Teams" or Zoom", etc link so the officials know where to go which is also included in the email notification. This should not be a note. Should be able to setup a Meeting location that is "Virtual" as well so no address is required and notifications are not given to the admins for incorrect address.
9 votesgathering community support ·AdminHorizonWebRef.com (Engineering Team, HorizonWebRef.com) responded
Mileage Display for the crew
Display which official on a crew will be being paid the mileage to allow easier communication and organization of rides.
1 votegathering community support ·AdminHorizonWebRef.com (Engineering Team, HorizonWebRef.com) responded
Add a VSP to System Setting 52 to prevent unqualified officials from seeing and requesting games they are not qualified for.
System setting 52, as is, allows an official to give an assignment to an unqualified official, even with the warning. This results me and assignors getting an "TBA Unqualified Warning!", which then means we now have to react and fix the problem, i.e., reassign the game to a qualified official. That, of course, completely defeats the benefits of allowing officials to swap assignments among themselves.
The ultimate goal of the TBA System is to ensure the game is covered and has assignments filled however, with system setting 52, officials are trying to swap games that are already covered and assignment…
3 votesgathering community support ·AdminHorizonWebRef.com (Engineering Team, HorizonWebRef.com) responded
Filter TBA Requests by # of Officials per game
When officials are searching TBA Requests, allow them the ability to filter games by # of Officials. There are officials who only want to work games depending on how many officials are assigned to a game. Games codes often do not depict how many officials are on each game.
3 votesgathering community support ·AdminHorizonWebRef.com (Engineering Team, HorizonWebRef.com) responded
Add position filter to Schedule Search & Filter
Problem: In TBAs, I have to look through many games that already have two referees assigned, but need a scorekeeper.
It would be super helpful to filter the schedule such that I could show only the games that need a referee
1 votegathering community support ·AdminHorizonWebRef.com (Engineering Team, HorizonWebRef.com) responded
Always Hide Cancelled Games
Please add an option under calendar preferences to always hide cancelled games.
2 votes -
Allow an official to set a "max games per day" in their profile and then shut down availability once that number is met.
ie if I set my max to 2 games, once I have two games accepted in my schedule, close down my availability for that day. Would be great if this showed on the scheduler side as well so that if for instance, they tried to schedule an official for 3 games, it would show them that the official is only interesting in doing 2.
3 votesgathering community support ·AdminHorizonWebRef.com (Engineering Team, HorizonWebRef.com) responded
sort by paid/unpaid
Add a Schedule Search & Filter to show/hide games that have been Paid/Unpaid
1 votegathering community support ·AdminHorizonWebRef.com (Engineering Team, HorizonWebRef.com) responded
Member Directory - "All Officials" Hidden Option
Have an option in the System Settings that will hide the directory for "All Officials" to regular members. When having so many officials in the system, it helps privacy issues when dealing with multiple leagues.
6 votesgathering community support ·AdminHorizonWebRef.com (Engineering Team, HorizonWebRef.com) responded
Start location by day, or date
Start location by day, or date. Allow Official to declare starting zip code for each day Mon-Sun which allows for a situation where Official has different start zip on work days. Should be over-writeable (in Availailability) for specific days when you know you'll only be available from (yet another) zip.
3 votesgathering community support ·AdminHorizonWebRef.com (Engineering Team, HorizonWebRef.com) responded
list rinks/locations by state
Would be great to sort by state
3 votesgathering community support ·AdminHorizonWebRef.com (Engineering Team, HorizonWebRef.com) responded
Location block for tba request
Location block should be in place for TBA request. I belong to a league that has 107 rinks and has geographical issues. 74 emails followed by app notification from Oct 14 to Oct 17
18 votesgathering community support ·AdminHorizonWebRef.com (Engineering Team, HorizonWebRef.com) responded
View history of Game Requests as well as History of Responses (Accept & Decline)
View history of Game Requests as well as History of Responses (Accept & Decline). Maybe its there I just cant locate it.
3 votesgathering community support ·AdminHorizonWebRef.com (Engineering Team, HorizonWebRef.com) responded
Allow to Sort TBA by Location
Currently the TBA's are sorted by Time only, which makes seeing sets at the same rink very difficult to see. It would be really useful if TBA's were sorted the same as in the Assignor view (Rink, then Time and Date)
6 votesgathering community support ·AdminHorizonWebRef.com (Engineering Team, HorizonWebRef.com) responded
Provide Officials with a Payroll Report CSV export option
The "Exportable Version" option does very little good when trying to put a usable payroll report together that I can use for end-of-year tax reporting. P
Being able to export my payroll games in a manipulable file format would be highly useful.
Or add the Fee Column to the Schedule Export to CSV option, as that's the important information.21 votesgathering community support ·AdminHorizonWebRef.com (Engineering Team, HorizonWebRef.com) responded
Don't allow officials to give games to unqualified officials using the TBA System.
At this time, any official can request any game from another official using the TBA system, even if they aren't rated. This causes the assignors to constantly be monitoring the alerts. Is there a way to have it as a preference if the organization does not want unqualified officials to be able to request those games? It is good for them to see the games if they are in a set, but not be able to 'grab' them.
7 votesgathering community support ·AdminHorizonWebRef.com (Engineering Team, HorizonWebRef.com) responded
Request a Hotel Room
Enable officials to request a hotel room for upcoming game assignments in addition to assigners inputting and saving them.
1 votegathering community support ·AdminHorizonWebRef.com (Engineering Team, HorizonWebRef.com) responded
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