Notify coaches & ADs on changes and cancellations
Your system would be nearly perfect for us if it notified coaches via email and/or text of any game cancellations or changes (just like it does with refs).

Jason Ellis commented
Email goes to referees for cancelled games.
Create email to Coaches/AD/League personnel, anyone attached to that team and their game being cancelled.
Matthew Raymond commented
We need the system to generate email notifications to Athletic Directors when officials on game change. They need this info to secure game checks in advance. Officials recieve notifications when their partner changes AD's need that info also.
Ed Rawlins commented
They receive a notification of an upcoming event but doesn't appear they get a generated notification that an event has been cancelled.
Don Merrill commented
The system does a great job notifying refs of game changes, but it doesn't notify coaches or anyone else affiliated with the game. This would be a HUGE help.
Don Merrill commented
I just learned that the visiting team coach(es) aren't alerted when a game is changed. Makes sense to have all involved coaches alerted whenever a game is changed, canceled, rescheduled, whatever. Would save us a lot of communicating. I know you are primarily a ref scheduling tool, but you're very close to becoming an awesome league management tool as well ...