Add Position Filter for Finance Reports
In the Finance Forms it would be a great benefit to be able to produce the Forms with a selection for Position so in our case the Umpire Mentors could be selected and payment invoices generated through the use of the Finance Forms

Chuck MacGregor commented
It would be nice if it were possible to filter out by position when doing payroll reports. This way we could see how much each person made with respect to the position they worked, such as by Timekeeper, Referee, Linesman, etc
Anonymous commented
On the Summary Report it would be nice to see a column for "REF" and a column for "TIME" (for timekeeper). That would give our association an actual # of games a person reffed or timekept.
Tim Ollerton commented
Could we have the Positions Filter added to the Billing Invoices so that seperate invoices could be generated for On Ice and Off Ice positions (scorers, timekeepers, medics)