Allows text message reminders to be delivered at a given time before a game
Have an option for text message reminders to be sent at a specific time before a game (1 hour before, 2 hours before, etc...) instead of reminders for the entire day being sent at the same time.

Dennis Kreiss commented
One thing that would improve notifications is if you allowed the user to choose a second time texts are delivered the day of the game - such as notify 1 hour or 2 hours before game time. That certainly would be a great reminder!
Dan commented
Each user can schedule their own text and email notifications/reminders. The one a day alert to accept games can stay the same, but reminders could be adjusted around someones personal schedule. Example; If a ref gets out of work at 4p and is in the car they might want a reminder at 4:10 on game day as a fail safe.