Automatically block officials from working when "My (Their) Team" is playing.
Allow another feature where umpires select the team(s) they play in which automatically makes them unavailable for the times they are playing

Erin Forst commented
Travis, the difference with this is that it would also block their availability for other games at the same time if they are bad at updating or the assignor gets the schedule before they do.
Owen commented
Makes it so much easier for the Officials that are playing also
Travis commented
Officials have the option in the administrative forms to block teams. This would effectively remove them from eligibility for those games, as long as your association has that option turned on.
I support this idea as I have a number of Player/Officials that show up as available at other venues, while they are playing somewhere else. It would save a lot of time with declined assignments if they were automatically "unavailable" while their team is playing.
This would only need to link to their team name and should make them unavailable during their playing game time, as well as working any other games of the same division (match code).