Creates Referee Mileage Reports
Please consider a report from home to 1st site, and then site to site for balance of games, and then home afterwards for tax purposes.

Les Humphrey commented
Allow the officials to go in and run a report to get their milage for Tax purpose each year. Each year I am asked by our officials if they can run a report, and get their milage and game fee totals, without having to add it all up per game.
Bob Hapiuk commented
Use a mileage app like Everlance or something like that.
David Lemmel Sr commented
As refs we need a simple report to calculate milage for tax reporting.
Ian Hayden EIHA Referees Section commented
Here in the uk, we have set maximum mileage a home team can be charged for match officials. It would be very helpful to see both on game assignment screen at the top, and in the Master game schedule, maybe next to the 2/3, the total mileage value of the officials currently assigned.