Show the website is secure
There is some sensitive data for users of this site. How do we know it is secure? Is it secure because the web admin says so? Not acceptable. This site should hire a security consultant to evaluate their security level and use a program that monitors the site for security intrusions. I wouldn't mind seeing a logo from a trusted security provider stating that this website is secure. I would look into what verisign has to offer.

Matt- Our system is constantly monitored and verified for security. The bottom right hand corner of every single page shows our security verifications, which is provided by Starfield Security Technologies. You can view this at any time to be shown our current security level, which is set at 256 bit encryption technology, which is the highest layer of security available today. Security is our number one priority above all else. Thank you for the concern, however, we do spend quite a bit of time and resources dedicated to securing our systems.